Urinary Tract Infection Remedies

Urinary tract infection remedies that you can do at home without a prescription....


Are you tired of taking rounds of antibiotics only to find your UTI comes back a few weeks later?

Take your health into your hands today with our list of urinary tract infection remedies!  Let's get started!

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is exactly what it sounds like ... an infection in your urinary system.

UTIs plague many women, as well as some men. And the worst part about urinary tract infections is how hard they are to get rid of.


There are a subset of women out there who are plagued by UTI once, twice, or even three or more times per year!

They go to the doctor and get the antibiotics ... the UTI may seem to clear ...

but it keeps coming back.


Why is this? One problem is that chronic antibiotic use destroys the flora within the digestive tract, and this in turn lowers your immune system.

This allows bad bugs to take over your body easier.

Also, some of the strongest bugs living in your tract may survive the antibiotics, and these survivors repopulate your urinary tract with even stronger bacteria that are more resistant to antibiotics.  It is a viscous cycle.

Is there another way to get over UTI?  Or better yet, keep yourself from getting UTI over and over?

Read on and  learn about urinary tract infections remedies and lifestyle changes that can end the viscous cycle and help you find your way back to health.

Urinary Tract Infection Remedy #1:  Hydration


1.  Hydration 

Keeping your body properly hydrated is essential for good kidney and bladder health. Maintaining proper hydration will make your body more resistant to UTIs. 

Drinking sufficeint water is the most important of all urinary tract infection remedies.


Increasing fluid intake causes you to urinate more often throughout the day.  So instead of bacteria sitting in your bladder and urethra for hours propagating, the extra water keeps more bacteria flushed out of your system.

Frequent urination gives the bacteria less time to take hold and create infection. As a matter of fact, a new study with women that get frequent UTI found that when the women drank 6 extra cups of water per day, they reduced the chance of getting new infections by half!

And if you feel the urge to urinate, then go urinate immediately.  Don't hold it in any longer than you have to. 

So drink up ... go get a glass of water right now!

Click here to learn more about the benefits of drinking more water and how to choose the right water for you.

Urinary Tract Infection Remedy #2:
Healthy Bowels

2. Regular Bowel Movements

If your bowels are not moving regularly ... if you are backed up ... then you are at a higher risk of developing a urinary tract infection. 

Your body uses your bladder and your bowels to eliminate waste. If you bowels are not functioning optimally, then your kidneys and bladder have to do more of the work.

Even if you have a bowel movement each day, you could still be backed up.  Getting your bowels moving can make it easier to recover from your UTI and keep it from coming back.

As we have discussed on other pages, you must make sure that your bowels are working properly to have a disease-resisting body. So 2 to 3 good bowel movements per day is what you should strive for.

Click here to learn more about home remedies for constipation.

If you are a female, make sure you always wipe from front to back after having a bowel movement. If you go the other way, then you risk getting the E.coli bacteria into your urethra, which can cause a UTI.

Urinary Tract Infection Remedies #3:
Specific Herbs, Vitamins and Minerals

3. Olive Leaf

Olive leaf is a heavy hitter ... a wonderful herb with many amazing health building properties. Olive leaf possesses potent anti-bacterial properties against a wide variety of bacterium, putting it high on our list of urinary tract home remedies.

Olive leaf is effective against E.coli, the bacteria responsible for 70 % of UTI. And Olive leaf is also effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, another culprit in some UTI.

Olive leaf is a definite home remedy to prevent and help treat a UTI. I keep this great herb on hand at all times.

4. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most effective antibiotics on earth. Many individuals with chronic, long-term infections have finally been able to heal with the help of raw garlic.


It is best to use raw, organic garlic because it has the most potency. But if you can only find non organic garlic, use it anyway, it should still give you good results.

When using garlic for an active infection, it is critical to make sure you use enough.  You can't use too much. 


To ensure that the garlic works for you, you need to eat at least 15 cloves per day. It is best to eat 3 cloves 5 times per day during an active infection.

First crush the garlic and let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes so that the allicin has time to form. (Allicin is the substance in garlic that has antimicrobial properties). 

Then add it to some soup or salsa or other dish and have at it. To ensure that the garlic works for you, you need to eat at least 9-15 cloves per day.

In addition to taking the garlic orally, you can also insert a large peeled clove of garlic into the anus or vagina each evening before bed. 

If you insert the clove into the vagina, leave it in overnight and remove it in the morning.  If you insert the clove into the anus then it will come out on its own when you have a bowel movement. 

The garlic will fight the infection from inside the vagina or anus as well.

Garlic fumes alone can kill microorganisms. Garlic has also been shown to be effective against drug resistant strains of UTI.  Garlic also boosts the immune system and is effective against viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, yeast, and mold. No matter what you are trying to fight off, garlic is always a wise and potent tool.

5. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is a potent essential oil that is well known for it’s amazing antibacterial and antifungal properties. Oregano oil will give your UTI a run for its money.

As a matter of fact, I have seen oregano oil work for women who get chronic UTI. 

Oregano oil is my wife's favorite of all of the urinary tract infection home remedies.

My wife had a history of chronic UTI for several years.  The doctors gave her several rounds of antibiotics.  She tried cranberry juice.  But it wasn't until she tried oregano oil that the UTIs finally went away.

Oregano oil was able to cure her UTI in three days and she hasn’t had another in about 6 years. This should come as no surprise if you look into the science behind oregano's germ fighting abilities. Now she recommends it to everyone!

Oregano oil is a broad spectrum antibiotic, meaning it works against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Oregano capsules have been shown to be effective against antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.

Oregano oil is effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli, both of which have been implicated in causing UTI.

Oregano can be found in pill and oil form. In my experience the oil is more effective, but the capsule can be effective too, but you will probably need to up your dose compared to the oil.

You must make sure that the oregano that you use contains at least 70 % carvacrol, 75 – 85 % is even better. If you use a weaker oil, you are much less likely to eradicate the infection. The Oreganol brand is a good choice.

Use 3-5 drops, 3-4 times per day of oregano oil  for at least 15 days.  Keep using the oil for at least 5 days after all symptoms are gone.

You can also add a few drops of oregano oil to one Tbsp of coconut oil and massage it into your skin above your bladder 2 to 3 times per day. The essential oil can penetrate the skin and fight the bacteria.

Keep some on hand, and take for several days at the first sign of a UTI.

Oregano oil is similar to garlic in that it is a great remedy to take for a wide range of bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

6. Thyme

Thyme's antiseptic properties make thyme potent urinary tract infection remedy. Thyme can be used to prevent and to treat a UTI.


If you have an active infection, make and drink 3-6 cups of the tea per day. Use distilled water to make your tea. 

Use 1 teaspoon of thyme per 8 ounces of water.  Bring the water to a boil, add the thyme, let sit for 5-15 minutes, then strain and drink.


If you have a tincture of thyme, you can add that to the regimen and take 2 dropperfuls two to three times per day.

7. Pau D’ Arco

Pau D’Arco has a powerful action against gram positive and gram negative bacteria, as well as fungi, viruses, and yeast. So adding Pau D'Arco to our list of urinary tract infection remedies is a no-brainer!

Pau D’ Arco is most commonly used as a tea.  Drinking 3 cups per day of Pau D’ Arco can be very helpful during an active UTI.

Pau D’ Arco also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with the pain of UTI.

Pau D’ Arco is also an immune system enhancer, and a stronger immune system is important while fighting infections. 

8. Echinacea

Echinacea is one of the best immune-system-boosting herbs in the world.

Echinacea is an approved treatment for UTI in Germany, and the Native Americans have used Echinacea as a natural antibiotic for centuries.


Here are some of the amazing benefits of Echinacea:

  • Boosts the immune system by increasing levels of interferon and phaygocytosis. Increases lymphocyte activation through release of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1 and interferon b2.

  • Provides relief from the pain of UTI through its anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Signals the immune system to attack the bacteria causing UTI

  • Speeds up urine flow to expel the bacteria out of the urinary system.


Echinacea comes in capsules and tinctures and can also be made as a tea. Using a combination of the tincture and tea form of Echinacea works best because different constituents are found in each form.

A poultice of Echinacea can also be placed over the bladder.

Always ensure that you purchase a good quality tincture and dried herb for the tea. I recommend Dr. Schulze's Echinacea Tincture.

Use Echinacea 6 days on and 6 days off for best results.

9. Uva – Ursi

Uva-Ursi is an herb with a long track record, and it is well known for its abilities in relation to the urinary system. 

Uva-Ursi is so well known as a urinary tract infection remedy that it is found in most herbal kidney formulas, and for good reason.  Uva-Ursi is approved by the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices for urinary tract inflammation.

Some of Uva- Ursi’s properties include:

  • Diuretic

  • Urinary antiseptic

  • Astringent

  • Anti-inflammatory.

In-vitro studies have shown Uva-Ursi to be effective against E.coli.  Uva-Ursi works best as part of a kidney cleanse.

Periodic kidney cleansing will strengthen the entire urinary system, making it far less likely that chronic kidney infections will continue. I recommend Dr. Schulze's Kidney Cleanse Kit.

Uva-Ursi is not an herb that was meant for long term use. Using Uva-Ursi for a month or two and then taking a month or two off is one of the best ways to use this herb.

10. Juniper Berry

Juniper berry is considered a specific herb for the urinary tract.  That means it is a VIP on our list of urinary tract infection remedies. 

Juniper berry is a diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, and even shows promise against black mold.


Some individuals have cured their UTIs by just drinking juniper tea regularly throughout the day.

Juniper berry is usually found in most herbal kidney formulas.

Of course, to really give your UTI what for, it is best to combine a few more of our urinary tract home remedies with your juniper berry tea.


When you incorporate juniper berry to any protocol, you will be visiting the bathroom to urinate quite a bit. This is what you want when you are trying to beat a UTI, or while doing a kidney cleanse.

11. Goldenseal

Goldenseal is an herb known for its antibacterial properties. It was a first-line infection treatment among the Native Americans.

Goldenseal is excellent against infections that affect the mucus membranes, including sinus infections, urinary tract infections, and bowel infections.

Goldenseal also increases the circulation to the mucous membranes and helps to flush out the toxins and bacteria contributing to your UTI.

There are many ways you use goldenseal as a urinary tract infection remedy.  Options for using goldenseal include tea, powder, tincture, and fomentation:

  • Drink 4 – 6 cups of goldenseal tea per day

  • Take 4- 6 capsules, or 4 to 6 dropperfuls per day during infection.

  • Wet a cloth in goldenseal tea and wash around the urethra opening to help kill off any bacteria -- (that is called a fomentation).

  • Putting some tincture of goldenseal on the skin over your bladder and rubbing it in can also help fight infection.

12. Cranberries

You probably already knew that cranberries were going to make this list of urinary tract infection remedies... after all cranberry juice for UTI is one of the most well known remedies to prevent and help treat active UTI.


Cranberry consumption exerts an anti-adherence capability against E.coli, making it much harder for the bacteria to hang out in your bladder and cause trouble. 

That sounds very scientific, but it basically means that the bacteria are unable to stick to the bladder, so they are flushed out of the system when you urinate.


More recent studies are showing that cranberry capsules work even better than cranberry juice as a urinary tract infection remedy. So what should you make of all of this? Use a high quality cranberry juice with no sugar added, and cranberry capsules.

13. Forskolin

Maybe you have never heard of the herb forskolin, but it is a potent urinary tract infection remedy.

Forskolin has a unique mechanism to eradicate bacteria from the bladder. Here's how it works....

New research has uncovered a previously unknown mechanism that cells use to eradicate the bacteria that cause UTIs. Bacteria hide in the membranes of bladder cells. A protein complex called Exocyst, found in cell secretions, can locate the hiding bacteria and promote their transfer out of the bladder cells and ultimately out of the bladder.

Exocyst works like a bouncer at a bar, when he  grabs a fleeing trouble maker and kicks him out into the street. But where does Forskolin fit in this picture?

Forskolin can dramatically enhance the process that Exocyst starts, making Exocyst a stronger and more potent bouncer.

Another study showed that Forskolin can even improve the effect of antibiotics because it pulls the bacteria out of their hiding places so they can be eradicated.

14. Burdock Root

Burdock root is an herb known for its liver and blood cleansing properties.  But how does it stand up to other urinary tract infection remedies?

Traditional healers have used burdock root to fight off infections for thousands of years.  A recent study found that burdock root has the ability to kill antibiotic resistant urinary pathogens.

The resistant pathogens develop a resistance to antibiotics and the immune cells by creating protective biofilms.  Recent evidence has shown that burdock root has the ability to break down these biofilms so the urinary pathogen can be eradicated.

15. Ginger

Ginger is a wonderful herb with many medicinal properties. Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial, can help prevent nausea, lowers blood sugar, helps indigestion, and even menstrual pain. You get the point.


But what does ginger have to do with UTI, you ask? Well, ginger has pretty potent antibacterial properties, and it doesn’t care for E.coli, Pseudomonas aruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae, Klebsiella spp. or Salmonella very much.

This makes ginger a great urinary tract infection remedy. The most effective ways to incorporate ginger into a program would be in the form of fresh ginger tea, ginger capsules and tinctures, and of course, if you can handle it, ginger juice shots.

Drinking 4 to 6 cups of ginger tea a day to fight and flush the bacteria that cause UTI. Also take four to six 500mg ginger capsules a day during active infection.

And I highly encourage taking a few 2 ounce shots of fresh ginger juice through out the day.

But even then, ginger should be one part of a holistic program to rid the body of UTI.  In other words, incorporate ginger with some of our other urinary tract infection home remedies for the best results. 

Click here to learn more about the health benefits of ginger.

16. Plantain

Plantain is one of my favorite herbs on our list of urinary tract infection remedies.  Plantain is a wonderfully useful herb, and it is probably growing in your backyard!

Plantain helps soothe mucous membranes, and it has antibacterial and blood cleansing properties.

Plantain's anti-inflammatory action can help soothe the pain of a UTI. If you know how to identify it, you can pick some leaves and brew a tea. Plantain can be used as a tea, tincture, or capsule.

17. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a potent anti-bacterial agent. While it is not a great idea to ingest tea tree oil, you can still use it as a urinary tract infection remedy by adding it to a bath and soaking in the water.

Tea tree oil can also be mixed with coconut oil and rubbed into the skin over bladder. (5 to 6 drops of tea tree oil to 1 tbsp of coconut oil.)

18. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar is well known in the natural healing community. There are many differing opinions on ACV’s uses and possible problems when used long term.

If using ACV for as a urinary tract infection remedy, it should be short term and used along with other natural agents.


That being said, some UTI-prone individuals use it regularly to prevent a UTI and find it very helpful.

ACV works by making the urine slightly more acidic, and ACV also possesses anti-bacterial properties.


During active infection, 2 Tbsp of ACV should be taken with with 1 Tbsp of raw honey in water three times per day. So a total of 6 Tbsp of ACV and 3 Tbsp of raw honey throughout the day. If you don’t have honey, the ACV can still help by itself.

19. Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) at high enough doses has antibiotic and antiviral properties, and high-dose Vitamin C is a very effective urinary tract infection remedy.

If you have an acute UTI you should take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance (loose stools).

Taking 500 mg of Vitamin C every 6 minutes all day until you reach bowel tolerance is the correct way to use Vitamin C if you want it to actually work against an infection.

It is best to get a Vitamin C powder with single servings of 1000 mg. This is the easiest, quickest and least expensive way to get very high doses of Vitamin C during illness.  A good Vitamin C powder brand is Nutricost ascorbic acid powder.

Most of the studies that conclude that Vitamin C doesn’t help infections are not using enough Vitamin C to reach potency. Some of those studies are only using 5000 mg a day.

If you look into orthomolecular medicine, you will find that Vitamin C has been used to heal many chronic health problems and infections when the dose is a high enough.

You will know that you have reached bowel tolerance of Vitamin C when you have a loose bowel movement. You will then simply subtract 1000 mg off of the dose that caused loose bowels, and that will be your maintenance dose while you are healing your infection.


The body will absorb much more Vitamin C during an illness than it will when you are well. When using Vitamin C as a urinary tract infection remedy, expect to take between 20,000- 150,000 mg of Vitamin C a day.

Click here to learn more about the health benefits of Vitamin C.

Click here

to learn more about choosing the right Vitamin C supplement for you.


20. D-mannose

D-mannose is a well-known urinary tract infection remedy and is good for both preventing and treating UTI.  D-mannose is a naturally occurring sugar found in some fruits.  (It is safe for diabetics).

D-mannose has the ability to stick to the E.coli bacteria, preventing the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.  This enables E.coli to be expelled from the body.

If you are treating a UTI with D-mannose, the dose is 500 mg in capsule or powder form every two to three hours for five days. It is a good practice to continue taking D-mannose for a few more days after the infection is gone.

Remember D-mannose can also be taken as a preventative for individuals that are prone to chronic UTI. The NOW brand of D-mannose is a quality supplement that can be found on Amazon.

21. Grapefruit Seed Extract [GSE]

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is a supplement made from the seeds and pulp of grapefruit. GSE has shown effectiveness in killing at least 60 types of bacteria and yeasts.

These studies took place in test tubes, so people will tell you that it is not yet known if GSE will work in humans to kill pathogens. Well, guess what ... you don’t have to wait for a scientific study that will probably never happen because GSE isn’t a pharmaceutical.

You can run your own experiment, if you have a UTI or other infection, throw a good consistent dose of GSE at it and see what happens.

And here is a small study using GSE for treating UTI. The study used 3 men with UTI caused by the mulitiple pathogens of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella species, and Staphylococcus aureus and one female with a UTI caused by E. coli.

All four patients in the study were having regular UTI between 2001 and 2003. All 4 patients were treated with grapefruit seeds orally for 2 weeks. All of the patients responded favorably to the treatment except for the man with P. aeruginosa.

However the man’s P. aeruginosa was antibiotic resistant, and 3 pharmaceutical antibiotics had failed to eradicate the pathogen. After the GSE treatment his P. aeruginosa subsided to mild growth with reversal of the antibiotic resistant pattern afer the 2 week course of GSE.

This is impressive indeed. GSE is definitely worth having in your urinary tract infection remedy tool bag.

22. Green Tea

You probably have heard that green tea has many amazing health benefits, but did you know that it is also on our list of urinary tract home remedies?

Green tea is known for containing catechins, a type of natural antioxidant. 


The main catechins in green tea are (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate, (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin, and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG and EGC have been shown to have the greatest antimicrobial effects.

One study tested the catechins of green tea to see if they had any antimicrobial power against E.coli. The catechin EGC was shown to be excreted at high enough amounts in the urine to have a possible killing effect on E. coli.


So it appears that regular consumption of green tea can help prevent UTI and be used as one tool against UTI.

23. Colloidal Silver

Silver was a popular antibacterial agent before prescription antibiotics came along. But since silver couldn’t be patented for high profits, it fell by the wayside.

When silver was popular, it was used for many different infections. It wasn’t uncommon for a dentist to give you silver for a tooth infection or for a doctor to give you silver for the flu.

Thankfully these days we still have access to colloidal silver in health food stores and online. Silver has an impressive killing power against many pathogens, including E.coli.

Silver can be used orally and externally during a UTI. The oral dose will vary depending on the severity of infection. 4 to 8 ounces of silver per day will be a good starting point.

Silver can also be used externally by soaking a piece of toilet paper or rag and wash the urethra with it. This will kill bugs on the surface.

I would not recommend using silver long term.  Once you have eradicated your UTI, use some of our other urinary tract infection home remedies to prevent future UTIs.

24. Lactobacillus Probiotics

There is evidence that a healthy colony of lactobacillus probiotics living in the body can help prevent chronic UTI occurrences. This is very promising.

Consistent low dose antibiotics to treat chronic UTI come with nasty side effects. Over time, consistent use of antibiotics can destroy your gut flora, weaken the immune system, and cause antibiotic resistant strains to develop.

If you have been treated with pharmaceutical antibiotics for your UTIs, then your natural flora has definitely been reduced.

The good news is studies are now showing that the use of Lactobacillus probiotics can work just as well at keeping chronic UTI at bay. And probiotics actually help to strengthen your immune system.

25. Probiotics

Our bodies are full of urinary tract infection remedies -- the millions of beneficial bacteria living our guts.

It is a well known fact that the health of our gut flora influences how healthy we are overall. When your gut bacteria is imbalanced, bad bugs like E.coli are more likely to populate your urinary tract.

To boost your gut flora, you can eat fermented foods, take a good probiotic supplement, and use probiotic suppositories.

25. Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Soaking in the bath can be a powerful urinary tract infection remedy if you add 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to the bath.  Food grade peroxide is a potent substance -- don't let the name fool you. It is not advisable to ingest peroxide, although some individuals do ingest small amounts. Ingesting large amounts of peroxide can be fatal.

To treat UTI with food grade hydrogen peroxide, you add it to your bath water. Adding 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to a bathtub full of water and soaking in it can help treat a UTI.

26. Kidney Cleansing

It is a great idea to do a kidney cleansing protocol at least twice per year. This ensures that you urinary system will stay healthy.

In a good cleanse, the herbs used will strengthen the function of the kidneys and bladder and kill any unwanted bacteria in the system that could lead to a UTI.

Kidney cleanses use herbs that flush and sanitize the entire urinary system. Make sure to buy good quality products and herbs, as cheap and weak herbs will not get the job done.

Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze sell some of the best quality herbs on the market.  Dr. Schulze offers a full kidney cleanse, with all of the products you need and full instructions, at his website www.herbdoc.com

Sample Protocol to Heal a UTI

This protocol is a great urinary tract infection remedy.  Purchase an herbal kidney cleanse kit. (Dr Schulze's 5 day kidney detox is a great one and follow the instructions.)

Or you can buy Dr. Christophers kidney bladder formula and herbs to make your own tea.

  • For the first 24 hours you will drink 1 gallon of the kidney tea.

  • Add 2 droppers full of a kidney tincture to each glass of tea or take 2 capsules of Christopher’s kidney formula with each glass.

  • Your diet during this period should be raw juices, raw fruits and vegetables, smoothies and blended soups.

  • You can add one or two of the specific herbs from our list discussed above. For instance you could use oregano oil and eat 3 to 10 raw cloves of garlic during the healing period.

  • This routine works by flushing and disinfecting the urinary system.

  DIY Make Your Own Kidney Tea Blend

  • 1 tsp uva ursi

  • ·1 tsp corn silk

  • ·1 tsp dandelion

  • ·1 tsp juniper berries

There are many other herbs you could add to your tea that also act as urinary tract infection remedies, including:

  • horsetail

  • marshmallow root

  • burdock root

  • parsley root

  • goldenrod

  • hydrangea root

  • chanca piedra

  • watermelon seeds and rind

  • ginger root

  • goldenseal

  • cornsilk (be sure to use organic)

Urinary Tract Infection Remedies -- Sources

Want to delve deeper into the topic of urinary tract infection home remedies?  Here is a list of all of the sources we used in this articles.























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